How to Order a DVD
Energize Students is giving away Drawing Out Genius© DVDs. We hope to bring awareness to parents, education activists, and young adults of the next generation that they have choices when it comes to their education.
We are more interested in sharing unique and successful classroom programs that are currently working to help students realize their potential so that other schools, teachers, and parents can hopefully implement in their schools. If you would like a free DVD, please register our site and specify you would like to receive your free copy of the DVD.
Register now to get your free DVD
Have a Program?
We want to hear about programs that help to “draw out the genius” of individual students. Programs that think outside-the-box of a traditional classroom structure; programs based on experiential-based learning; programs that utilize mentorship, creativity and explore a student’s full potential.
Let us know about it and we will share it with other schools!

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